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Young Jew, Israel is your home!

Young Jew, Baruch, whom I have never met, come home.
Return to your people and their destiny. It is beautiful. You are young and for you, return is simple.

And know that your life can only be lived in one place. Home. The Land of Israel.

It is a large land. Extending from the Mediterranean to the Jordan, from Hermon through Sinai to Eilat.

It stands, capable of absorbing millions, many millions of its sons and daughters who have not yet come.

It is the land where one cannot move without colliding with the Jewish past.

This is the land where Abraham walked and Isaac and Jacob traveled; where David and Saul fought the enemy and Deborah and Samson smote the foe; where the Prophets raised their eyes unto the heavens and spoke to the people; where the Maccabees preserved Judaism with the sword and where the Sanhedrin and Ben Zakai continued it with the book; where Bar Kochba died and where his children will return.

Here is Eretz Israel; here is your home.

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